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Hello, dear visitors!

Here you will found different information about Cuba, related with rituals, religious ceremonies and festivals, etc. This will allow you to know about different aspects of this country. Cuba has a little bit of this wonderful country.
Here, you could fall in love and you will want travel to know it!

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

Flag of Cuba

On May 20, 1902, the Cuban national flag was hoisted as a symbol of independence and sovereignty.

His design incorporates three blue stripes, representing the three parts that the country was divided during the independence wars, central, occidental, and oriental areas of the country, and two white stripes symbolizing the purity of the ideals and the light of the Cuban patriots. the red triangle stands for the blood shed to liberty the nation the sky turned red from the blood shed in battle and the triangle means liberty, fraternity and equality. The white star in the triangle represents the strength, beauty, wisdom, virtue and charity.

The stripes of the Cuban flag integrated symbolic numbers. The three blue stripes form the number 3 and represent harmony. The sum of the blue and white stripes is number 5 and the life-giving spirit of nature. Triangle forms the number 7, and the star is considered as divine by the Jews and Greeks.

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