Hello, dear visitors!

Hello, dear visitors!

Here you will found different information about Cuba, related with rituals, religious ceremonies and festivals, etc. This will allow you to know about different aspects of this country. Cuba has a little bit of this wonderful country.
Here, you could fall in love and you will want travel to know it!

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

Some common manners in Cuba

Cubans have little contact with tourists, they generate them distrust, fear and much more, unless tourism are your work, they do it for earn money, but for them this is not friendly or sympathetic.

When hope a friend in house, we need to stand up before the arrival of a visitor. If the visit is a young, elders of the House can sit; women should not be standing if the visitor is a man. When we met a friend, we must expect that the most senior person is that extend the hand. Man should wait about  women to be that extend your hand.

When speaking to the elderly, or to strangers, Cubans speak more formally as a sign of respect. They shake hands upon greeting someone. Men often exchange friendly hugs and it is also common for both men and women to greet friends and family with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

In Cuba it is in bad taste to shout in the street, or call out shout  to the people, in the public transport is must give the post of older people and who have disabilities in addition is distasteful to put music on  them.

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